Upon deciding to get a mastectomy tattoo and choosing artist David Allen, Grace was approached by a film maker named Rachel Pikelny (also a cancer survivor) about being a part of a documentary short. Ms. Pikelny wanted to show viewers what a mastectomy tattoo was and what it can mean in the life of someone who has been scarred surgically and theoretically by breast cancer. The documentary follows Grace as she reaches her 1 year anniversary of diagnosis and gets her life altering mastectomy tattoo. The film was met with critical acclaim and was screened around the United States including the prestigious DOC NYC film festival.

ghd My tattoo my story

After seeing the documentary GRACE, international hair care brand GHD approached Grace Lombardo to be their spokesperson for their My Tattoo My Story campaign for breast cancer research. Grace traveled as far and wide as London England and Sydney Australia to speak on behalf of the campaign and raise funds for Breast Cancer Now.


The My Tattoo My Story campaign for GHD was so successful, it earned Grace a 15 second visual ad on one of the largest billboards in Times Square in New York City for the entire month of October in 2018